by andrea

It feels lazy to simply say “nothing ever changes/ nothing is changing”, especially being stuck on the US side of the border - far away from the raging protests my sisters in Mexico have been organizing, while I’m here, too broke to travel and join their cause, in the comfort of this peaceful place.

The most recent femicide, that of Ingrid Escamilla Vargas in cdmx, has invaded media outlets not only because of the sheer brutality of her murder, but also because of a Mexican newspaper that decided to have her extremely graphic photo on the front page for all to see. Ingrid’s incredibly unjust death is not only a number to add to the growing list of women killed throughout Latin America, but a spectacle for all to see. At least thousands of people saw her corpse, treated like a chicken to be prepared for slaughter, feeling shock, disgust, perhaps sympathy - but worst of all numbness to the immense issue Mexico has with the senseless and brutal murders of its women, disappearance of innocents, trafficking of children. This will never stop without a radical movement - a revolution - it should be happening every where, not just in countries where it’s “most prevalent”. Abuse, stalking, and femicides happen in the Global North, too, many of which could have been 100% prevented. We can’t rely on authorities or the legal system, so it’s up to all of us, as human beings, to mobilize, wherever we may be. Reach out to our very own friends, who may be going through a secret hell of their own. It is up to us to teach our peers, our friends, our families, our children, our students about valuing L I F E, other beings, ourselves.

If you are in a relationship where you feel emotionally, verbally, psychologically, physically abused in any way at all - it is an utmost priority for you to leave, and your loved ones’ duties to help through any transitions. It’s incredibly difficult - especially growing up experiencing abusive friendships/relationships - I understand that it may look like there is no light at the end of the tunnel - but there IS. Preventative measures must be taken before a push turns into a slap, a slap into a punch, and worse.

amigxs, you have the power. you belong to you - not anyone else. you were strong before your partner and are stronger now. never forget your intelligence, strength, and capabilities - absolutely nobody can take that from you. abusive situations have a way of making us feel completely isolated - you are not alone.

photo: abc internacional

photo: abc internacional